The project aims to develop an education platform with a design web 2.0 in its development and
to facilitate monitoring the students, and encourage their active participation. To do this we
will create portlets to achieve these objectives. Below follows a list of portlets that will be
created since not exist in the platform of liferay.
Portlet list
Lesson portlet
This portlet provides a centralized repository for various document types to be stored
and assigns a unique URL to each of them. This portlet supports multiple repositories
that can be set with different access roles. This portlet provides tools for creation,
query and view of educational content. Provides the possibility of sharing these content
between members of the educational community.
Last news
Recent posts made in the forum portlet will display as a listed item in the Latest News
portlet, along with a link to older archived news.
Visitor tracking
Portlet business intelligence applied to tracking students
Assignments (Task)
Activities planned by the teacher to perform by the students.
In this portlet defines the sequence of tasks to be done to complete a course
in a satisfactory manner. The assignment portlet allows teachers to collect work from
students, review it and provide feedback.
Students can submit any digital content (files), including, for example, word-processed
documents, spreadsheets, images, audio and video clips.
This portlet provides assistance for any type of activity, whether activities of the
teachers or the students.
Import/export content available on other courses of the platform using SCORM(accessibility
and reusability of Web-based learning content).
Course creator
This portlet create a course and allow to assign user to course.
Course administration
The administration portlet are only available to teachers of the course. From this portlet
the teacher will be able to manage the participants in the course, modify the course template,
the begin and end date of course,..
Recent Activity
The Recent Activity portlet shows different activities depending upon the role of the viewer.
The users can view the list of last actions carried out in the course.
Upcoming Events
The Upcoming Events portlet displays future events in a summarised list - the number of days
in advance is determined as a global variable.
Events are generated directly from the calendar and/or activity deadlines, providing a link
to full details or directly to the activity.